Group First!
Our very first Group First! Awarded by breed specialist Judge Mrs. Nancy Hafner. So thrilling. I'll always remember and treasure this...
Always and Forever
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt Thank you to many, especially to: Judges...
Keeper SBIS
Best in Show at the Great Lakes Poodle Specialty! Champagne popped in celebration and glasses raised in toast: "A win like this is the...
Cover Boy
On the cover of Poodle Vareity, our beautiful boy: Dalton - D is for Dalton Bronze Grand Ch. Karadale Clarion Born This Way Always...
Beautiful Ribbons
What a day for me and the poodle girls! Keeper (Ch. Aris Always and Forever) went Best of Variety at the Great Lakes Poodles Specialty...
Exciting New Adventure
For 2 years, I was part of an amazing adventure that made me responsible for the advertising, creative and social media campaigns for...