European Dog Show - Wels, Austria
We were given an unbelievable opportunity to visit friends during the European Dog Show in Wels, Austria. Getting a chance to groom one...

2018 AKC National Championships Group and Best in Show Judging
Click to learn more and tune in live here from Orlando to see the results of the American Kennel Club National Championship presented by...

World Dog Show / Award of Excellence
What a whirlwind adventure that we had. We traveled all the way to Amsterdam to show Everett at the World Dog Show under renowned...

Rowdy meets his new mom
The last of our 'C' litter went home today. Rowdy (aka Kona) is a sweet natured, sensible dog who is above all elegant and oozes breed...

Let's get a little Rowdy
Isn't he just gorgeous?! The boy we ran on from our "C" litter. Are you ready to get Rowdy?

Everett Debuts
We couldn't be prouder of our young dog; Imperii Halt and Catch Fire who won Winners Dog at Poodle Club of America from the Novice Class....

Indy heads to our long time friend
The third of our 'C' litter went home today. Indy will be the beloved companion of Dawn in Cedar Rapids, IA. Dawn came to us via Sean...

Jojo Heads Home
The second of our 'C' litter went home today. Jojo (aka Rampage to those who know her mom, Riot) will be the beloved companion of Jack...

Riot Ready?
After taking a brief interlude off from the show circuits this past winter, Riot will be coming back out to get the last point needed to...

Practice Makes Perfect
We are getting ready for the National Specialty hosted by Poodle Club of America in April and that means a trail run in Handford, CA. We...