IMPERII - from the Latin translation: TO RULE.
It all started with a white standard puppy given as a gift from a young man to a young woman who would later become his wife. That puppy was Lars, who grew up to become the Multiple Specialty Best in Show, Group Winner and Number One standard dog for the first half of 2007 in limited showing.
It was Lars that began our love affair with show dogs which resulted in utilizing our talents to help the campaigns of renowned dogs like:
Spender - MBISS, BIS Silver GCH. Lakeridge Kaylen's Hey Big Spender
Paris - MBIS Gold GCh. Lakeridge Atalanta Summer in Paris
London - MBIS Platinum GCh. Jaset Satisfaction
Jetta - MBIS Can Am Ch. Dawin Spitfire
Ricky - MBIS Ch. Bar-None Dawin Travelin' Man
Chance - MBIS Can Am Ch. K'Instant Sucess Moravia Campanella
Manny - BIS Ch. Beaudieal's It's Raining Men
and many others...
In addition to marketing some of the nation's top dogs to the Fancy, we are invested into bringing together bloodlines from around the globe with the intent of breeding and raising beautiful, healthy and intelligent top-quality AKC standard and miniature poodles for the show and performance rings, as well as for the loving pet home.
Our personal dogs are all family members and live with us in our home near San Francisco, California. They are wonderful, lively, fun companions who are enjoyed by our immediate and extended family, every day.
We hope you enjoy meeting our dogs and will consider becoming a part of our poodle family.
All our best,
Sarah & Daniil
Imperii Poodles