Grayslake Shows
First show of 2014 were at Grayslake, Illinois. Thank you to the judges for making it a fun one.
"Beatrix" Ch. Imperii Ablaze
Best of Breed over Specials - Judge Mr. Eugene Blake
Select Bitch - Judge Mr. Chuck Winslow
Select Bitch - Mr. Luc Boileau
Our dear friend, John of De Quetzal Poodles, has been healing from a foot infjury and needed someone to step in to show his dogs. A blast for me as it is always great fun to be at the end of a lead of a beautiful standard.
"Capri" De Quetzal Revelation
Winners Bitch & Best of Winners - Mr. Luc Boileau
"Dublin" GCh. De Quetzel Declaration
Best of Opposite - Mr. Luc Boileau